
Mon XKB maison

Mon XKB maison pour clavier AZERTY, où j'ai remplacé la plupart des symboles ésotériques et franchement inutiles par des opérateurs mathématiques, flèches et autres smileys.
│ ~ ¬ │ 1 ¡ │ 2 ⅛ │ 3 £ │ 4 $ │ 5 ⅜ │ 6 ⅝ │ 7 ⅞ │ 8 ™ │ 9 ± │ 0 ° │ ° ¿ │ + ˛ ┃ ⌫ Retour┃
│ ` ` │ & ¹ │ é ~ │ " # │ ' { │ ( [ │ - | │ è ` │ _ \ │ ç ^ │ à @ │ ) ] │ = } ┃  arrière┃
┃       ┃ A Æ │ Z ≺ │ E ¢ │ R ® │ T ∉ │ Y ¥ │ U ↑ │ I ☺ │ O Ø │ P Þ │ ¨ ° │ £ ¯ ┃Entrée ┃
┃Tab ↹  ┃ a æ │ z « │ e € │ r ¶ │ t ∈ │ y ← │ u ↓ │ i → │ o ø │ p þ │ ^ " │ $ ¤ ┃   ⏎   ┃
┣━━━━━━━┻┱────┴┬────┴┬────┴┬────┴┬────┴┬────┴┬────┴┬────┴┬────┴┬────┴┬────┴┬────┺┓      ┃
┃        ┃ Q Ω │ S § │ D ∀ │ F ∏ │ G ∪ │ H ⊄ │ J ‹ │ K › │ L ☹ │ M — │ % ˇ │ µ ˘ ┃      ┃
┃Maj ⇬   ┃ q √ │ s ß │ d ∃ │ f ∑ │ g ∩ │ h ⊂ │ j † │ k █ │ l ░ │ m – │ ù ^ │ * ` ┃      ┃
┃       ┃ > ≥ │ W ▓ │ X ≻ │ C © │ V ‘ │ B ’ │ N * │ ? … │ . × │ / ÷ │ § ‣ ┃             ┃
┃Shift ⇧┃ < ≤ │ w ▒ │ x » │ c ¢ │ v “ │ b ” │ n * │ , ' │ ; ≠ │ : · │ ! • ┃Shift ⇧      ┃ 
┃       ┃       ┃       ┃ ␣         Espace fine insécable ⍽ ┃       ┃       ┃       ┃ 
┃Ctrl   ┃Meta   ┃Alt    ┃ ␣ Espace       Espace insécable ⍽ ┃AltGr ⇮┃Menu   ┃Ctrl   ┃ 

Pour l'utiliser, je fais xkbcomp -w 0 -R/usr/share/X11/xkb $HOME/xkbnico :0, mais il faudrait pouvoir faire ça automagiquement au lancement de la session. Je crois avoir essayé de le mettre dans un élément de session gnome, mais ça ne marchait pas des tonnes.

Enfin, en gros, toujours beaucoup de magique dans le maniement de ces mappages de clavier, et pas assez de doc clair, c'est bien dommage. Vos commentaires sur le sujet sont les bienvenus.


Dear Clive Hamilton, is "ethics professor" australian slang for moron?

Uproar in Australia Over Plan to Block Web Sites

But ethics professor Clive Hamilton, in a column on the popular Australian Web site Crikey.com, scoffed at what he called ''Net libertarians,'' who believe freedom of speech is more important than limiting what children can access online.

''The Internet has dramatically changed what children can see,'' said the professor at Charles Sturt University in Canberra, noting that ''a few extra clicks of a mouse'' could open sites with photos or videos of extreme or violent sex. ''Opponents of ISP filters simply refuse to acknowledge or trivialize the extent of the social problem.''
Dear Pr. Moron-Fuckhead, What you don't seem to understand, and that is completely obvious to us "net libertarians", is that even if your stupid retarded moronic schemes worked as intended (and they won't, because they can't), they would be completely fucking useless anyway. Think about it. Suppose your braindead filters worked. What have you achieved? Aussies can't see pædoporn on the web. Alright. Now what? What's the difference? How does that protect the children? If there's a picture of a crime on the internet, and nobody's looking at it ... does that make the crime go away? Come to think of it, it worked for the boogieman when I was a kid. I hid under the bed sheets, and it never got to me. In other words, you can have the mind of a five year old and get a job as a professor in Canberra.


Why do lusers send screenshots in a .doc in a mail?

Not only does every single stupid luser do it, but even people who do otherwise look sane and do not ostensibly sport brain slugs always send screenshots as .DOC attachment with a picture inside. What's wrong with just sending the image file? If you can paste the screenshot into the dreaded Word, what's preventing you from pasting it into the atrocious Outlook's window? Yeah, what? And why? WHY??


Accesskey for “Prev” / “Next” on Google search results

I searched on userscripts.org and couldn't find one that worked fine for me, so here is mine. Use ⌥⇧W for “Previous” and ⌥⇧X for “Next.” You will need GreaseMonkey to use this; link to the script coming soon.